Tuesday 28 January 2014

NONGSHIM Shin Ramyum Noodle Soup

So we come to one of my favourite noodle soups; at a cost of 85p these are well worth the expense! As you can see from the pictures though there are only two sachets with these noodles the soup itself is full of flavour and the noodles are large and thick egg noodles. This is one very hot noodle soup, it will open up your sinuses and has a very pleasant afterburn. The heat of the soup doesn't detract from the flavour however as you can certainly detect the flavour of the vegetables and the flavour of the tuna (bone extract apparently). Certainly one for those looking for a hot noodle soup without wanting to add their own hot sauce! As for price I feel they are slightly overpriced but the portion size and heat of the dish more than makes up for this.
Nongshim  is South Korea's largest processed food manufacturer and specialise in noodles though I rarely see their products in the UK. I would really like to try their Seafood Noodle Soup after trying this and will definitely be out to hunt it down in future.

If they were a computer game: My current favourite game is Killing Floor and as a co-op zombie killing game these noodles share the same heat and excitement. A flavoursome bowl of noodles you will want to return to.

If they were an American Football star: These noodle have the heat and talent of Richard Sherman and are something to rave about. Lets hope I can be celebrating a Seahawks victory with a bowl of these afterwards!

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