Monday 27 January 2014

Omachi Shrimp Hot Pot
So this is the first of my noodle reviews. Bought plenty of noodles from the South-East Asian supermarket local to work and thought I'd start on one of the cheapest first. As you can see the added extras for these were impressive considering they cost 40p! The packet of dried vegetables actually included some dried potato. As a pescatarian I should have read the ingredients however; this contained meat and bone broth and my wife swore she could taste the beef in this! Tasted delicious though; lovely thin noodles with lots of chillies and a great soup base which tasted slightly of shrimp but was that was overpowered by the meat and hot chillies. For the price I paid these come highly recommended!

If they were a computer game: Thomas Was Alone; full of interesting flavours but like all things over too quickly.

If they were a rock band: Early Red Hot Chilli Peppers; think Mother's Milk. Full of flavour and rather meaty basslines!

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