Saturday 22 March 2014

VINA Acecook Háo Háo Shrimp & Onion flavour noodles

VINA Acecook Háo Háo Shrimp & Onion flavour noodles
Ahhh damn... my thumb got in the way!!!

I was terribly disappointed when opening these noodles as they didn't look great; the soup, veg and Dao (palm oils with chilli) sachets cheered me up however. They tasted nice if you like onion soup and that was the overriding flavour,. Slightly hot aftertaste but no flavour of shrimp whatsoever though I could detect the labellings 'artificial chicken flavour'. Acecook Vietname JSC had struck again and while I've been pleased with previous noodles these were very bland; one for those basically wanting crappy thin noodles in a a sweet onion soup. On a brighter note they would have been perfect on a cold winter day.

If they were a computer game: Call of Duty; you know what you are going to get and popular enough not to mess with the formula. Getting a bit stale in my opinion however.
If they were a rock band: Crosby, Stills & Nash; okay but missing something. In the case of this band - Neil Young.

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