Sunday 30 March 2014

VINA ACECOOK KING CHEF Authentic Kimchi flavour noodles

VINA ACECOOK KING CHEF Authentic Kimchi flavour noodles

I reviewed King Chef Seafood with Kimchi flavour at the beginning of the month and gave them a rave review. These noodles are just Kimchi flavour ('Korean Food Style'), no seafood while packed full of veg and dried shiitake mushrooms. One of the reasons I was so keen to review these was that I recently saw some people from Hong Kong and one of them gave me this long elaborate explanation of how Kimchi was made. She expounded the importance getting the leaves of Korean cabbage and soaking in large amounts of salt before hanging to dry and then drying with salt. You then marinade with various spices and Korean chillies. wikipedia suggests that these spices include: 'brine, scallions, spices, ginger, chopped radish, garlic, shrimp sauce [or] fish sauce'. The process is finished by fermenting them for a couple of weeks in jars; the longer the better though this is down to preference I believe. A long and ardous process considering you can buy it in powdered form but I'm guessing there is a world of difference between fresh Kimchi and bought Kimchi; I'm not intending to make my own nonetheless.

The noodles in this were of a very high quality; thick and tasty. The veg were noticeable in giving various different texture and flavourt while the dried mushrooms made the dish. Most exciting was the afterburn however; a lovely full sensation of chilli and pepper that lingered on the tongue long after they were finished. Fantastic stuff and I was almost ready to force another bowl down once I was done. Recommended!!

 If they were a computer game: Batman: Arkham City; the best of the three games though a fighting style not all gamers appreciate. (The third in the Arkham games, Origin, is dreadful btw!)

If they were a rock band:Fall Out Boy; not a band to everyone's taste but a good back catalogue of albums from emo rock, pop and punk stylings.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea really. I've been eating noodles for years (not for last 3-4, earlier) but have never thought of comparing in to games and music.
